
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Workshop 2 Projects

So Semester 2 is officially finished...
Here are a few short videos of some some projects I did using Pure Data, Flash and Arduino:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hunt Museum Project Complete

This morning Dominique Bouchard from the Hunt Museum will be coming to the presentation of the Hunt Museum project. My interpretation of the Roman dodecahedron:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Little R'n'R Time...

...never hurt anyone

Arduino and PD

I'm in the middle of building a basic prototype for my final project at the moment and I'm working on taking readings from sensors connected to the Arduino, using these readings to affect sounds files in PD and then sending the information into Flash to alter graphics. I'm using pduino to get Arduino and PD talking and am in the process of figuring out the PD/Flash connection.
Here's a little sample of Arduino and PD in action. There are two light sensors that pass light readings into PD and these two readings are each controlling the frequency of a waveform. Sounds a bit like bagpipes!

Hunt Project Progress

On Monday I took all my bits and pieces to the workshop in the Schroeder Building in UL. Much thanks to Séamus who gave me a run-through of the band saw and the bending machines. It was nice to be working with my hands away from a computer screen for a change. The piece is coming along nicely now and should be completed over the next couple of days...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dodecahedron Plan Revised

I've thought about my original plan for building the dodecahedron for the Hunt project (only using circuit boards and LEDs) and have decided that it would be pretty boring. So, I've added some elements. I plan to make some of the sides using circuit boards, some using computer casing and some using the transparent, flexible circuits from the inside of the keyboard. It should give the impression of an object mid-way through construction where the different layers are visible. Kind of like the death star...

... except using

More scavanging

Got up bright and early today and cycled out to Hegarty Metal Recycling to look for more material for the Hunt project. There was loads of great stuff there but we got hunted out by the general manager (after being given permission by the guy at reception!). Dang it.
I managed to get something cool out of an old keyboard I found elsewhere though...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May Update

After a bit of a break at Easter it's back to work. Currently I am developing the concept for my project and working on building a basic prototype using PD, Flash and Arduino.
Also I've been scavenging old discarded electronic devices for pieces that I can use for the Hunt Museum project. I got my hands on 2 old CD players and a digital TV box and busted them open this morning. Some pics...

CD player 1

CD player 2

Digital TV box

The whole bounty!